Greg O'Briens photos

Greg O'Brien has forwarded some of this memories.

Been thumbing through some old albums, all black and white regrettably, but do have colour slides of graduation – somewhere’s !!!
Shall send them thru bit by bit (with a bit of a story) for uploading to your Blog site should you wish to include. During third phase we did a hike to Para wirra national park, the parade shot being taken by Dave Harris from memory, he was on light duties for some reason. 


A few shots of the trip to Broken Hill in October 1968.
Met up with Jim Carter at Loxton, camped at Wentworth for the night then onto Broken Hill. Went yabbying one day to Medindie lakes and then the Musicians club for tea and pokies that night. Camped on the Inspectors back lawn as he was away from memory. On the way home stopped at the Border gate for supplies and the trip home.

The obstacle course shots from Echunga
Again, B&W and a little out of focus, but … my first EVG Kirk camera, special price.